Acid Cellulase C43
Product Description
Acid Cellulase C43 is an upgrated new generation cellulase which has the characteristics of high bio-polishing effect with wide pH and temperature tolerance.It’s designed for textile applications such as fabric and garment biofinishing (i.e. depilling, surface modifications and softening) and is supplied as a concentrated liquid to use at low dosage. Acid Cellulase C43 is also suitable for denim washing to give grain and contrast effect.Compared to conventional cellulase, Acid Cellulase C43 can work very well at room temperation (30-40C) without heating the washing bath.
Features and Advantages
Excellent bio-polishing effect at lower dosage.
Wide pH tolerance(pH 4.5-7.5)
Broad working temperature range (25-60C) and remains high biopolishing /washing performance,even at room temperature (30-35C).
Very good performance/price ratio.
Relatively low strength loss.
Soft hand with greater drapability.
Technical Index
Property Specification
Appearance Amber Liquid
Density 1.05-1.20 g/mL
Acid Cellulase C43 is suitable for bio-finishing (i.e. softening, surface fiber removal, depilling) of various types of cellulosic fabrics and garments. Bio-polishing can be arranged either before or after dyeing, depending on the desired effects. Usually before dyeing is recommended.
The preferred bio-polishing conditions:
Equipment Over-flow, jet dyeing machines or laundry belly washer. 、
Enzyme dose 0.3-0.6% o.w.f
Liquor ratio 1:8 – 1:20
Temperature 30 - 55℃ and 45-55℃ is recommended
Treatment time 20-60 min (depends on the dosage and tyep of equipmentsand machinary)
pH 4.5 – 7.0,pH at 4.8 is recommended and higher pH means more enzyme need
Inactivation: All cellulase enzymes should be inactivated after the desired effect is obtained. Insufficient inactivation can result in extended exposure of the garment or fabric to active cellulase. This unintended exposure can cause undesirable strength loss.Acid Cellulase C43 can be inactived by the following procedures.(Hold the temperature ≥ 70℃ for 10 minutes).
C43 is available in standard package of 30 kg plastic drums.
The product should be kept in cool, dark and dry place with temperature below 25 °C without direct sunlight.The optimum temperature for storage is 4~10°C.
Shelf life
The efficacy of the product will not be reduced within 12 months when kept in the original sealed drums under correct storage conditions.
Previous:Desizing Enzyme A21